100% cotton long-sleeve T-shirt.
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 New autumn items are arriving continuously. While the hot days are still continuing, it would be nice to at least get a feel of autumn. A long-sleeved cut & sew T-shirt in a deep red-purple color. The design features a small ruffle collar, making it wearable on its own. Of course, it can be washed, so why not try wearing an autumnal color when the cool breeze starts blowing in the mornings...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 秋物、続々と入荷中です。まだまだ暑い日が続くと思いますが、せめて気分だけでも秋に近づきたいものです。 赤紫色の長袖カットソーTシャツ。小さなへちまカラーが特徴のデザインで、一枚でも着れるTシャツです。...

Remaking a dress from a tomesode (formal kimono)
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 A tomesode kimono with large embroidered floral patterns. We will tailor it into a dress in time for the September wedding. By bringing the hem design to the upper body, we've created a very impactful dress. The bag I introduced on the blog the other day was actually made from the obi that matched this tomesode. It's bound to go well together. I'm glad it was ready in time for the wedding!...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 大きな花柄が刺繍された留袖。9月の結婚式までに間に合わせてドレスに仕立てます。 裾模様を上半身に持ってくることによってとてもインパクトのあるドレスに仕上がりました。...

Remake bag from an obi
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 For a customer who has a wedding ceremony coming up in early September. This is an order for a tomesode dress tailoring and an obi bag. Originally, this obi was meant for a tomesode kimono that has been tailored into a dress. There's no way it wouldn't match the dress. It features a very impressive and vibrant pattern that stands out. Since it's for a wedding ceremony, we've made it in a...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 9月早々に結婚式を控えていらっしゃるお客様。留袖ドレスのお仕立てと帯バッグのご注文です。 元々、ドレスに仕立てた留袖用の帯です。ドレスに合わない訳がありません。とても存在感のある華やかな柄が特徴的です。...

A coat dress that can be worn until autumn
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 I hope this message finds you well during this hot season. We continue to have unsettling days with extreme heat, typhoons, earthquakes, and more. Please take care and stay safe, everyone. The Rurimon will be closed for summer vacation from Sunday, August 11th to Saturday, August 17th. Even as we complain about the heat, autumn will soon be upon us. I'd like to introduce a coat dress that can be...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 暑中お見舞い申し上げます。酷暑・台風・地震・・・と心がワサワサする日々が続きます。 どうぞ皆様お気をつけてお過ごしくださいませ。 瑠璃門は8月11日(日)~17日(土)まで夏休みとさせていただきます。...

Summer dress made of Indian cotton
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 Summer dress made of 100% Indian cotton. With a texture similar to crinkle cotton, it won't cling to your skin even when you sweat profusely. It's unlined and single-layered, so you can easily hand-wash it at home. The large monochrome check pattern and three-quarter sleeves make it suitable for wear until autumn. Size: Free Length: 95 cm Price: ¥6,900 (¥7,590 including tax)

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! インド綿100%の夏のワンピース。楊柳のような肌ざわりでどんなに汗をかいても肌にまとわりつくことがありません。 裏無し一重仕立てですので、おうちで押洗いもしていただけます。 モノトーンの大柄なチェック柄と7分袖は秋までお召しいただけそうですね。...
