Spring shearling blouse
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 Yesterday, the temperature in Yokohama was 22 degrees. It was perfectly clear and warm enough to make me think excitedly, "Is spring already here to stay?" But... Today it's 2 degrees! Snow has even started falling. I keep telling myself that this is how seasons change, but my body can't keep up. Everyone, please take good care of your health. On this snowy day, I'd like to introduce a spring...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 昨日は横浜の気温22度でした。快晴で暑いくらいの陽気で「もうこのまま春になるのかしら?」とウキウキしていたのに…。 今日は2度!雪も舞い始めました。...

From furisode (kimono) to wedding dress
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 We received a tomesode kimono from a customer who was preparing for her son's wedding in early March. She was a bit concerned about a stain that had formed on the pattern, but we decided to proceed with tailoring it without attempting stain removal. The result? No problem at all! Unless you stare at it up close, it's completely unnoticeable. I was very happy to see another sleeping kimono be...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 三月初めの息子さんの結婚式を控えたお客様からお預かりした留袖。柄のところにできてしまったシミを少し気にされていましたが、思い切って染み抜きしないで仕立てることになりました。結果。問題無しでした!間近でジロジロ見ない限り、全く気になりません。...

Spring's new collection of cut-and-sew tops
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 A spring cut-and-sew top perfect for layering. When the black version arrived in winter, it quickly found homes with our customers. Now our new spring colors have arrived. This slightly deeper beige is a versatile color that matches with everything. It's a valuable piece that can be worn alone or layered with other items. Material: 83% Cotton, 16% Polyester, 1% Polyurethane Care: Hand washable...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 重ね着もできる春のカットソー。冬には色違いの黒が入荷しましたが、すぐにお客様の元へ。今回新作の春色が届きました。少し濃いめのベージュは何にでも合わせやすい色ですね。一枚で着ても、重ね着しても重宝に着回ししていただける一着です。...

Handwoven Kurume Kasuri (traditional Japanese ikat) long vest
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 We have received a shipment of long vests made from rare hand-woven Kurume Kasuri fabric. While the cold wind still bites, spring is just around the corner. When it warms up, you'll want to shed your coat and slip on this light long vest. The red ribbon at the neckline can be gathered to create a lovely accent with just the right amount of pleating. Hand-woven Kurume Kasuri has become a very...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 珍しい手織りの久留米絣で仕立てたロングベストが入荷しました。まだまだ冷たい風が沁みますが、春はすぐそこ。暖かくなったらコートを脱いで軽やかにロングベストを羽織りたいものです。...

What to wear after Setsubun... it's troubling
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 Although Setsubun (the traditional bean-throwing festival) has passed, cold winds continue to blow. Some regions are expected to experience the strongest cold wave of the season... To those living in snowy regions, please take care and stay safe. Our new poncho has arrived. It features two buttons that can be switched, allowing for two different wearing styles. Spring is just around the corner!...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 節分は過ぎましたが、まだまだ冷たい風が吹いています。地域によっては今シーズン最強の寒波が来るそう・・・。 雪の地方の皆様もどうぞお気を付けてお過ごしくださいませ。...
